Through Mindful Spending, we aim to slowly harness a small portion of the world's collective purchase power to support Fair Trade companies.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Fair Trade Towns

Towns that meet a set of conditions can be certified as Fair Trade towns? I was not aware a group actually makes such a designation, then I saw this. What's the criteria you ask:

To become a Fairtrade Town (or any other populated area), 5 goals must be met:

* The local council must pass a resolution supporting Fairtrade, and serve Fairtrade coffee and tea at its meetings and in offices and canteens.

* A range of Fairtrade products must be readily available in the area’s shops and served in local cafés and catering establishments (targets are set in relation to population)

* Fairtrade products must be used by a number of local work places (estate agents, hairdressers etc) and community organisations (churches, schools etc)

* The council must attract popular support for the campaign.

* A local Fairtrade steering group must be convened to ensure continued commitment to Fairtrade Town status.

It seems somewhat subjective, but its a start.


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