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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Resistance or Militia?

In a recent program, Democracy Now host Amy Goodman, kept referring to the Iraqi "resistance" and "insurgents". I opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and remain critical of how the U.S. is handling things out there, but at this point, I think these so-called "resistance fighters" or "insurgents" need to be called militias. Consider the following thought experiment: if the U.S. leaves next week, do you think the "resistance fighters" will stop attacking their fellow Iraqis? For the last six months, most of the operations launched by these so-called "resistance fighters" have been against Iraqi CIVILIANS, or even religious shrines.

Any group that launches attacks based on SECTARIAN reasons, smells more like a militia to me. Unfortunately the Western Left has a tendency to glorify movements that oppose U.S. Foreign Policy. You can be opposed to U.S. Foreign Policy without glorifying groups that launch suicide bombings against civilians and religious shrines.


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