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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Charlie Rose Show: Iraq Invasion Anniversary

A great discussion on the state of affairs in Iraq, with proponents of the invasion, as well as skeptics. George Packer, the author of my current favorite book on Iraq, is skeptical that things will change soon. Kanan Makiya, a leading intellectual in the Iraqi exile movement, comes across as chastened, humbled, but still hopeful. Knowing what we know now, Kanan does not dispute that while Iraqis may have benefited from the removal of Saddam, it is not clear if the U.S. gained much from the invasion. Fouad Ajami, a favorite of conservatives, remains convinced that the invasion was necessary ("Where else in the Arab world was the U.S. suppose to act?"). Fouad, how about finishing the job in Afghanistan? Besides, why did we have to act militarily in the Arab world?

Shows like these are what make PBS and NPR great. The Right and Left in this country like to stay within their respective echo chambers. Yes folks, the Left has media outlets just as one-sided as the Right, granted there are far fewer of them. Personally, I believe we are best served when both sides present their arguments respectfully. There are exceptions of course. Think Swift Boat Veterans and their smear campaign against John Kerry. Those guys had no evidence and did not deserve equal airtime.


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